Three’s Company, the classic sitcom that graced television screens from 1977 to 1984, is known for its quirky humor, unforgettable characters, and, of course, some hilarious on-set bloopers. One such blooper has recently caught the attention of fans, and it’s a moment that you might have missed—unless you take a closer look.

The Scene in Question
In an episode of Three’s Company, John Ritter’s character, Jack Tripper, is engaged in one of his signature physical comedy routines. As he stumbles and fumbles around the iconic Santa Monica apartment, the camera pans across the set, capturing what appears to be a perfectly normal scene. But there’s a small detail that eagle-eyed fans have noticed—a detail that was never edited out.

The Blooper You Didn’t See
If you look closely at a certain frame, you’ll notice something odd in the background: a crew member’s hand peeking into the shot! The scene takes place in the living room, where Jack is preparing to impress his roommates, Janet and Chrissy, with one of his famous culinary disasters. As Jack rushes to the kitchen, the camera momentarily captures what looks like a hand holding a piece of equipment just off to the side of the set.

This little blooper, though brief, adds a touch of humor to the already laugh-out-loud scene. It’s a reminder that even the most polished productions can have their unintentional moments, and it’s these moments that make Three’s Company the beloved show that it is.

Why It Was Never Edited
Back in the days of Three’s Company, the production process wasn’t as seamless as it is today. Without the digital editing tools we have now, many bloopers made it into the final cut simply because they were too minor to warrant a costly re-shoot. The slight appearance of a crew member’s hand was likely overlooked or deemed insignificant at the time. However, for fans who love to spot these little mishaps, it’s a gem of a find.

Reliving the Magic
For fans of Three’s Company, moments like these only add to the charm of the show. The series is filled with such gems, from actors breaking character to props malfunctioning. These bloopers remind us that behind the scenes of this beloved sitcom, there was a team of hardworking individuals who, just like the characters they brought to life, sometimes made mistakes.

So, the next time you’re rewatching Three’s Company, keep an eye out for those little details that weren’t meant to be seen. You might just find yourself catching a glimpse of TV history in the making—one blooper at a time!

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