Techniques to make your skin glow naturally

Techniques to make your skin glow naturally

It’s not that hard to keep your skin healthy, but it is another thing to be so healthy you glow! However, it’s not impossible. There are lots of little things you can do throughout the day to give your skin an illuminating quality. Before you know it, your friends will not be saying how amazing your makeup is, but instead how naturally gorgeous your skin is. Isn’t that what we all want?

Click through to discover your path to perfect skin all over.

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Some may tell you that a long, steamy shower is the ticket to unblocking your pores. On the contrary: hot water can strip your skin of its natural oils. It’s better to keep your showers short and cool.

The neck

Many people only moisturize their face. However, the neck is literally an extension of your face. It has the same kind of delicate skin. You have to use face moisturizer on it and special face sunscreen to protect it from the effects of aging.

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The air

During the winter, the air often becomes very dry. This is why your skin becomes flakey and rough. One of the best ways to solve this is to put a humidifier in your bedroom at night to moisturize the air.


Isoflavones are a kind of chemical that supplies high-quality protein that your skin needs to protect and build collagen. Research has also suggested that they act as antioxidants for the skin. To get a good helping of these miracle chemicals, have some soy milk or tofu every day.

Fatty soap

It may not sound very luxurious, but fat-added soap is a good way to keep moisture locked into your skin. Soaps that are oil-based do not leave a protective film on the skin when you wash them off.

Clean cosmetics

The skin was not meant to be colored or perfumed. To get healthy, natural skin, you need to use healthy, natural products. Ditch those artificially scented and colored creams and sprays.

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Olive oil 

Olive oil has the ability to moisturize the skin without leaving it super oily because it is absorbed fast. The monosaturated fat in the oil deeply hydrates the skin. To harness its power, put some drops on your elbows, knees, the backs of your arms, and your face every evening.


If you want hands and feet as soft as a baby’s bottom, then go to the store and get some muslin gloves. Before bed, put a thick moisturizer on your hands and feet, then wrap them in muslin or thin gloves. Soon you will have enviable extremities.

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Sage, peppermint, and witch hazel

This little serum is great because it’s all-natural and you can make it at home. Combine four parts witch hazel oil with one teaspoon’s worth of both sage and peppermint. Let the potion steep for three days, then apply to your skin for a rejuvenating hit.


Humectants are substances that attract water by fusing with water molecules through hydrogen bonds. You should look to have it as an ingredient in your lotions and the likes. Ones to look out for are glycerin, propylene glycol, and urea.

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Other great ingredients to look for in your cosmetics are alpha-hydroxy acids. They work to make cells turn over more, making way for the new cells. This means that they give skin a younger appearance by reducing wrinkles, age spots, and acne scars. They are naturally found in citrus fruits.


A lot of the dirt that makes your skin rough is the surface dirt, not to mention the ingrown hairs. If you remove your hair in any way, you must take care of your skin by gently exfoliating it every day with a loofah. It will also get rid of all the surface dead skin.

Rose hip

A great way to boost your collagen is by eating the right things. Rose hip is rich in vitamin C and can help your skin appear more youthful. You can buy the pill version or buy rose hip tea. The more of the whole fruit you eat, the better.


Although some vitamins are more relevant than others when it comes to skincare, the best thing to do is have a balanced amount of all of them. They often work together to get things done. Therefore, by having a balanced diet and taking a multivitamin, you can improve your skin.

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A great way to improve your skin is a good old soak in the tub. There are several things you can add to the water to make it a special treat for your skin. The first one is to add ½ lb (23 g) of salt and 1 lb (45 g) of baking soda. It will help to detoxify your skin.


If you want a more scented experience, pick some of your favorite tea bags and plop them in the bath. You can even add some powdered milk. The lactic acid in the milk will exfoliate your skin and leave it fresh.


Alongside this, you could add a concoction of equal parts apple cider vinegar, wheat germ, and sesame oil. The vinegar is antibacterial and alkalinizing. Meanwhile, the wheat germ and sesame oil will moisturize your skin.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of nature’s best moisturizers. The acid inside the plant eats away at dead skin cells, while the nutrients help your skin to heal. The best way is to use fresh aloe leaf on your skin by cutting it open and rubbing it onto your skin.

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This little trick is sure to smoothen those rough patches on your elbows. After exfoliating your elbows in the shower, cut open a ripe grapefruit. Then, just push your elbows into the halves for 15 minutes. The acid from the fruit will work to make your elbows soft.


Do not underestimate the power of sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep, then your cells will not repair themselves correctly. Having a lack of sleep not only causes you to look temporarily haggard, but will also worsen your appearance in the long run. It also has a terrible effect on your health in general.


To ensure you are getting enough sleep, consider installing black-out curtains in your room. Another great way to help your eye skin stay plump is to have an eye mask with cooling pads in it. Place the pads in the freezer during the day, then wear the mask at night.


One of the best ways to give yourself that rosy, healthy glow is to get your blood pumping. Exercise is the best way to do this because the sweat pushes out the toxins from beneath the skin.


The major enemy of glowing skin is sun damage. It affects us all, but it shouldn’t, because there are great sun-blocking products out there. Do not be stingy about buying sunscreen, as the better the quality, the better you will look in your later years.

Fatty acids

Glowing skin has a healthy sheen of oil that is not too thick. Fatty acids from omega 3s provide exactly this. They make your hair, nails, and skin shine brighter. You could either take supplements or add lots of fish and nuts to your diet.


The lotions and other cosmetics you use are probably not right for every season. When it gets colder and drier, your skin will need more protection and nutrients. When you start to wear thick jumpers, it is time to change to a thicker moisturizer too.

Tanning beds

The worst thing you can do to your skin is to speed up the aging process. The intensity of the UV light that tanning beds give off does exactly this. Even if you really want that short-term tan, you are much better off wearing a tinted moisturizer than going into this skin-damaging coffin.


There is far too much stigma around men using products. Men’s and women’s skin is the same, even if one has more hair on it. Therefore, it is equally acceptable for men to also look out for their skin. Everything previously outlined completely applies to men as well. 

Sources: (Reader’s Digest) (Healthline)

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