A before and after photo of French actress Brigitte Bardot has fans talking on social media, with many expressing their shock at her look at 89. Bardot was an international sex symbol of the ‘50s and ‘60s, up there with the likes of Marilyn Monroe; however, her recent appearances prove that change comes with time.
Some fans expressed their admiration for her, with one noting that she is “one of those who are not afraid of getting old.” In response to the comments, Bardot admitted during a 2012 interview that she hardly bothers herself with aging and is more concerned about her passion for animals.
Brigitte Bardot’s life and career
Bardot started her Hollywood career as a teen model for Elle magazine, after which she landed roles in some French movies before getting involved with Hollywood via 1953’s Act Of Love starring Kirk Douglas. She attended the Cannes Film Festival in the same year, opening her up to more American movies, where she often played controversial sultry roles that she was termed a “sex kitten” in the mid-’50s.
Beyond being a pretty face and an amazing actress, Bardot still has a passion for animals and is keen on protecting their rights through activism and fundraising. She practices and encourages the vegetarian lifestyle and founded The Brigitte Bardot Foundation for the Welfare and Protection of Animals in 1986. She speaks up against animal cruelty and has been known to challenge governments and powerful entities to protect animals.
The actress is not bothered about aging
Bardot, who turns 90 in September, is not worried about aging as she relishes her retirement in her luxury Saint Tropez villa, La Madrague, alongside her fourth husband, Bernard d’Ormale. She also owns the La Garrigue property, a pet paradise featuring dogs, cats, monkeys, goats, birds, and more.
Sadly, she has also suffered a few health scares involving breathing difficulties as she “can no longer bear the heat.” Her husband noted that she is much better but will be required to put off “unnecessary effort.” The former actress prefers to live a private life later and has expressed her frustration at the media still inquiring into her life, warning that she just wants to focus on her “animal cause.”