
Tired of forking out hefty sums for your electricity bill every month? Would you rather allocate that money elsewhere without altering your lifestyle? Look no further, because a brilliant mind has developed a legal solution that drastically reduces electrical consumption and saves a significant amount of money!

We had the exclusive opportunity to interview him at EnergyNews upon his return from Silicon Valley. In this article, you will discover how to legally slash your electricity bills significantly.

Who is Rémy, the Swiss genius who invented an algorithm to lower his electricity bills?

Rémy is a boy reminiscent of Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, or Elon Musk. He graduated with an engineering degree two years ahead of his peers and headed to Silicon Valley in 2020 to establish the next startup that would revolutionize his industry.

Once there, he came across a study by Harvard scientists explaining that over 90% of the electricity consumed and paid for by households is useless. In fact, all electrical appliances, from household appliances to lamps, consume enormously more than they should in order to function normally.

That’s when Rémy had his eureka moment: Software that analyzes and distributes electricity in an optimal way. He set up his algorithm and incorporated it into a device to be plugged into an electrical outlet. The result was amazing: a 92% reduction in his electricity bill without changing a single one of his habits.

He then set up his own company, SmartEnergy, and began marketing his device in the United States.

Three months later, it was a resounding success. Initially in Nevada, then in Texas and finally in Arizona, everyone was talking about this smart device that enables thousands of households to reduce their power usage without changing their habits.

What is this device that can cut your electricity bill by 92%?

Here’s what the SmartEnergy device looks like. It’s a small box that plugs into any electrical outlet. The beauty of it is that everyone can benefit from it, whether they live in an apartment, a house, or a mobile home. All you need is an available power socket.

Once plugged in, the device will immediately detect electrical appliances and analyze their consumption. Once the analysis is complete (it takes less than an hour), the algorithm inside the device will distribute the current to all the electrical appliances in an ultra-optimized way.

This optimized distribution reduces wasted electricity by 92%.

How exactly does it work?

Here are the instructions:

1. Locate an unused power socket

2. Plug the SmartEnergy device into the socket

3. Keep the SmartEnergy device connected to the socket around the clock, and enjoy up to a 92% reduction on your electricity bill without altering your consumption habits

If you wish to move it, simply unplug the device and then reconnect it to the desired socket. It’s as easy as that.

PS: A detailed instruction manual is provided with the product

How much money could you save with SmartEnergy?

To give you an idea, we installed the SmartEnergy unit in two different residences and compared the electricity bills from one month to the next.

First trial: a two-person flat (a couple) of 592 sqft (55m²):

Average bill over last 12 months (before installation): $122

Average bill after 3 months’ use: $21 (82% reduction)

Average annual savings: $1,200

Second trial: a five-person house (two parents and three children) of 1560 sqft (145m²):

Average bill over last 12 months (before installation): $355

Average bill after 3 months’ use: $42 (91% reduction)

Average annual savings: $3,566

It is challenging to estimate exactly how much money SmartEnergy can save as we all have different electricity usage and appliances.

However, one thing is certain: in 100% of cases, the unit saves money. In the worst-case scenario, savings are around 80%, and in the best case, they can even exceed 90%.

One last thing to note: below 750 sqft (70m²), a single SmartEnergy unit is sufficient, but for spaces larger than that, it’s advisable to accumulate units so that the algorithm can detect all appliances.

Is it dangerous? Is it legal?

As previously mentioned, the device simply optimises the electricity distribution to prevent unnecessary energy consumption. It is not an electricity meter tampering device. If it were not legal, the company would not be allowed to market its device.

Thus, the device is 100% legal and risk-free. You are entirely within your rights to purchase it. If you wish to discontinue its use for any reason, simply unplug the device.

As you might expect, electricity providers are not keen on this product entering the market and will do what they can to ensure you don’t hear about it. However, they cannot legally prevent you from owning this device and saving on your electricity bills.

What is the price and delivery time?

The company has set a retail price of $99 for the SmartEnergy unit. This might seem expensive at first glance, but it proves to be very cost-effective in the long run, as it saves you money every month. For most households, the unit pays for itself in just two months.


UPDATE: Following the publication of our article, SmartEnergy has decided to offer a 50% discount to the first 1,000 Francophone buyers.

This means you can acquire the unit not for $99, but for just $49 (including delivery)! They already have warehouses around the world and therefore deliver in just a few days.

If you wish to purchase one for yourself, simply click the button below to check the availability of the SmartEnergy unit.

PS: This 50% discount is only available to the first 1,000 buyers. If you are interested in this product, I advise you to hurry, as we have over 100,000 loyal readers each day.

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